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Hearing Protection Fit Testing

Hearing Protection Fit Testing

Hearing protector fit testing (HPFT) measures the amount of noise reduction, or attenuation, a hearing protector provides while it is being worn.  This measurement is referred to as a personal attenuation rating, or PAR. Fit testing is used to determine if a person is achieving adequate protection through the PAR. If the PAR shows inadequate protection, the person wearing the hearing protection may need to be retrained on how to properly insert their hearing protection, or a different size or type of hearing protector may be needed.

The Department of Defense Instruction 6055.12, Hearing Conservation Program, has been updated with Change-1, dated November 22, 2023, and includes the requirement to conduct hearing protector fit testing of certain personnel exposed to hazardous noise.  The updated document can be accessed here: DODI 6055.12 link

Benefits of Hearing Protection Fit Testing

     • Train workers to properly fit and use hearing protectors. 
     • Help personnel select the right device for their work environment.
     • Can identify those at risk for noise-induced hearing loss and enable early intervention.

Hearing Protection Fit-Test Record Form

     The Hearing Protection Fit-Test Record, DD3126 has been approved and is now available for use.

     • Service and Agency guidance will be issued regarding the form and HPFT.
     • Link to the form:  Click Here 

For more information on Hearing Protection Fit Testing:

       • HPFT fact sheet: (Fact Sheets |

       • Selecting Personal Attenuation Ratings for the DOD: click here

Information briefings

     • HPFT leadership brief
     • Introduction to Hearing Protector Fit Testing   


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The Hearing Center of Excellence fosters and promotes the prevention, diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, rehabilitation and research of hearing loss and auditory injury. It supports the development, exchange and adoption of best practices, research, measures of effectiveness and clinical care guidelines to reduce the prevalence and cost of hearing loss and tinnitus among Warriors and Veterans. Read more

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