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What is ECAA?

The Enterprise Clinical Audiology Application (ECAA) – formerly known as AudBase – is one of several data sources that will help formulate the core structure of Joint Hearing Loss and Auditory System Injury Registry (JHASIR). ECAA provides a standardized method of electronically capturing computerized/digitized clinical hearing test results that assist a healthcare provider in determining the most effective treatment option for those suffering from hearing loss and/or injury.

Benefits of ECAA?

  • Standardizes clinical auditory testing within the audiology clinics across the Service branches
  • Enables full capture of computerized/digitized hearing/auditory system evaluation data directly from clinical diagnostic audiometric equipment across the Military Health System (MHS)
  • Centralizes computerized/digitized audiometric data, making it readily accessible to all healthcare providers and researchers
  • Supports the potential auto population of ECAA data into the MHS GENESIS Audiology Module
  • Reduces manual entry process for the Provider, increases accuracy of data entered by eliminating hand entry of exam results
  • Enterprise solution helps minimize training/reeducating Providers as they move to new duty locations
  • Customizable version of ECAA allows the Department of Defense (DoD) to request vendor software development to meet the specific Audiology community requirements


Overview of ECAA

ECAA Flow chart

Future enhancements

  • Addition of custom fields specific to the DoD
  • Ability to auto-populate demographic and appointment data on a nightly basis
  • Add modules to allow the provider to perform Vestibular, Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE), Auditory Fitness For Duty (AFFD), Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) functions, and collect research-focused questionnaire data
  • Electronically transfer computerized/digitized clinical audiogram results directly into MHS GENESIS as the provider completes the patient’s exam
  • Provide compatibility with an expanded list of medical devices


ECAA Support

With the renewal of the support contract with AudSoft (August 2019), the HCE added the requirement for the vendor to work requests within the government ticketing system (Remedy) for DoD customers. Please start all support requests for AudBase (ECAA) with the Global Service Center (GSC) by calling 1-800-600-9332 and announcing ECAA (AudBase) to the voice prompt. You will be directed to a service technician that will create a Remedy ticket; please collect this ticket number for your records.

Once the ticket is saved, Remedy will send an automated email to the AudSoft team and Cc the HCE for awareness. AudSoft will contact you via email or phone to assist in resolving your ECAA issue. All requests need to be tracked in Remedy for reporting purposes to fulfill contractual obligations.

AudSoft is being directed to have a Remedy ticket number before starting any support activities.

NOTE: please tell the GSC tech to place your ticket in the following Remedy queue to avoid it getting lost in cyberspace: DHA > DHA HIT SDD Integrated Systems > AudBase (ECAA) Tier 3


For immediate assistance, please contact AudSoft and provide your Remedy ticket number; they can be reached by phone: 1.888.959.6790 or email:



Quick Fact


Some of the noisiest occupations in the United States include agriculture, mining, plumbing, and the military.

About Us

The Hearing Center of Excellence fosters and promotes the prevention, diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, rehabilitation and research of hearing loss and auditory injury. It supports the development, exchange and adoption of best practices, research, measures of effectiveness and clinical care guidelines to reduce the prevalence and cost of hearing loss and tinnitus among Warriors and Veterans. Read more

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